

"Angry for a fuckin' reason."

Welcome to yet another one of my RadFem blogs. In case you don't know, I'm Nocturnus Libertus.This blog is homage to one of my favourite reads "Angry Black Bitch", a blog operated by Feministing's Pamela Merritt.

Unlike most of my blogs, this will be a semi-ranting space, for me to discuss issues like racism, subjugation, culture appropriation, autonomy, black womyn, religion and people of colour, the black community and the issues marginalized by mainstream politics. [This is not a Feminist blog].

Although I will discuss issues that intersect with the black community, I will focus solely on the issues that people of colour are facing. This blog contains a series of unpopular opinions, rants, and so-forth. As a demurral of the disenfranchisement of womyn of colour, and other groups facing the same situation, I am not speaking as the voice of any group, but as an individual.